Light up your developer documentation with code your customers can run and edit in the browser.
Enable your customers to learn about your product's features and APIs in the browser.
Allow your visitors to experiment and test code in the browser.
var names = new[] { "Ana", "Felipe", "Emillia" }; foreach (var name in names) { Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name}"); }
Try .NET in the browser
Try .NET is an embeddable code runner that enables you to explore .NET in the browser. Use Try .NET to light up your online learning experiences and documentation.
<h2>Fibonacci Generator</h2>
<p>Here is my example of a Fibonacci generator implemented in C#.</p>
<iframe src="">
Simple to embed
Go beyond copy and paste samples to live snippets. Our private preview customers can embed live .NET code into blogs and documentation.
Integrate with GitHub
Try .NET integrates with the dev tools you already use. Embed and run your GitHub Gists right in your browser, powered by the Try .NET experience.
Get involved
Join us on GitHub to contribute ideas, report bugs, and help make Try .NET amazing.
Powerful features
Build the user experience you want, with features to integrate Try .NET seamlessly into your site.
- Custom themes
- JavaScript programmability
- GitHub integration
- and more...
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