What's new in F# 9
Featuring: Chet Husk, Bill Wagner, Vlad Zarytovskii
The F# team has been busy working on the next iteration of the F# language, tooling, and libraries - let's learn more about what's coming for F# developers and the F#-curious!
Featuring: Chet Husk, Bill Wagner, Vlad Zarytovskii
The F# team has been busy working on the next iteration of the F# language, tooling, and libraries - let's learn more about what's coming for F# developers and the F#-curious!
Featuring: Scott Hanselman
What's keeping you from updating your site to .NET 8? In this week's episode, Microsoft VP of Developer Community Scott Hanselman shows us his best tips for upgrading your sites and staying updated, saving money, and testing with Playwright.