.NET Conferences and Events
Get involved in the .NET community. Attend a conference or event in your area or online.
Event name | Start date | End date | Location | Primary language |
These events are from Microsoft and the worldwide community and some have an associated cost. Visit the event websites for details.
Don't see your event? Submit your event today.
.NET meetups are a great and fun way of meeting other like-minded developers, and joining one couldn't be easier. Learn about tricks & tips, discover the latest .NET has to offer, or just come to be inspired.
Virtual User Groups
Go virtual with the .NET Virtual User Group! Join now to get notified about awesome upcoming online .NET meetups and events.
.NET Live TV
Participate in weekly live shows hosted by the .NET team on Twitch and YouTube. These are casual conversations about what's happening across .NET, full of community content, demos, and live Q&A.