.NET 会议和活动
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事件名称 | 开始日期 | 结束日期 | 位置 | 主要语言 |
Swetugg Stockholm 2025 Tooltip: For .NET Developers, by .NET Developers. We aim to cover things that are relevant to you as a developer in the .NET realm, no matter if you are just starting your journey or have been writing code since the beginning of unix time. We strive for a diverse program, which means we work hard on presenting a broad spectrum of speakers and topics for you to choose from. This means the program usually covers topics ranging wide: from human skills to very technical skills. | 2025年2月4日 | 2025年2月5日 | Stockholm, Sweden |
这些事件来自 Microsoft 和全球社区,其中一些需要支付关联费用。有关详细信息,请访问事件网站。
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。NET meetup 是结识其他志同道合的开发人员的一种很好很有趣的方式,加入其中极其简单。了解技巧和提示、发现 .NET 必须提供的功能,或者只是来获取灵感。