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IoT Tutorial | Get started in 5 minutes

This quickstart uses .NET to retrieve sensor values from the Sense HAT, respond to joystick input, and drive the LED matrix.

Get started with Meadow

Get up and running with the Meadow Getting Started Guides. Set up your development environment, configure your Meadow dev kit, and deploy your first application.

Windows IoT Samples

This repository contains the samples that demonstrate the usage patterns for Microsoft's Windows 10 IoT Core. These code samples were created with templates available in Visual Studio, and are designed, but not limited to, run on devices that run Windows 10 IoT Core.

Let's Learn .NET: IoT

Together, we will walk through the fundamentals of using .NET libraries to build an IoT system and deploy the data retrieved to the cloud with Azure. Internet Of Things or, "IoT" with .NET is cross-platform and supports hundreds of sensors, displays, and input devices that use multiple interfaces.

Read values from an analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

In this article, you'll use .NET to read values from an ADC as you modulate the input voltage with a potentiometer.

BBQ, Bots and .NET Core

In this On .NET episode, Cam tells us the story of how a Raspberry Pi, a chat bot, and a little .NET Core allows him to control his smoker and make great BBQ!

Self-guided Learning - Construct Internet of Things devices using the .NET IoT Libraries

In this module, you'll learn how to read environmental sensors and activate relays using the .NET IoT Libraries.

Windows for IoT documentation

The Windows for IoT platform has multiple editions, each optimized for specific scenarios. They all share the security, manageability, support, and cloud connectivity you expect from Windows.

Display text on an LCD

In this article, you'll use .NET to display text on an LCD character display using an I2C GPIO expander.

.NET IoT Libraries

.NET runs on a variety of platforms and architectures. Common Internet of things (IoT) boards, such as Raspberry Pi and Hummingboard, are supported. IoT apps typically interact with specialized hardware, such as sensors, analog-to-digital converters, and LCD devices. The .NET IoT Libraries enable these scenarios.

Getting started with .NET nanoFramework

.NET nanoFramework is a free and open-source platform that enables the writing of managed code applications for constrained embedded devices. It's suitable for many types of projects including IoT sensors, wearables, academic proof of concept, robotics, hobbyist/makers creations or even complex industrial equipment.

Blink an LED

General-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins can be controlled individually. This is useful for controlling LEDs, relays, and other stateful devices. In this article, you'll use .NET and your Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins to power an LED and blink it repeatedly.

IoT with .NET for Beginners Video Series

Does Internet of Things (IoT) work with .NET? In this video series, you'll get an introduction on how to use a Raspberry Pi microcontroller and how to run .NET applications on it. Join us in this journey as we walk through understanding IoT devices and learn how to control them with .NET!

Read environmental conditions from a sensor

One of the most common scenarios for IoT devices is detection of environmental conditions. A variety of sensors are available to monitor temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and more. In this article, you'll use .NET to read environmental conditions from a sensor.