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Getting Started with MonoGame using Visual Studio for Mac

Tips and tricks for getting set up and running with MonoGame 3.8 using Visual Studio for Mac.

Unity self-guided tutorials

Create your first Unity project.

Unity User Manual

The Unity User Manual helps you learn how to use the Unity Editor and its associated services. You can read it from start to finish or use it as a reference.

Brackey's Unity Advanced Tutorials

Master C# in Unity with these advanced tutorials!

Quickstart: PlayFab Client library for C# in Unity

PlayFab is a complete back-end platform for live games with managed game services, real-time analytics, and LiveOps. This quickstart helps you make your first PlayFab API call in the Unity engine.

HoloLens 2 Getting started Unity tutorials

The HoloLens 2 tutorials are designed to help developers learn both techniques and best practices for developing mixed reality applications.

Get started with Visual Studio Tools for Unity

Set up Unity and Visual Studio together and start writing, debugging, and analyzing C# with Unity in a world-class IDE.

Getting Started with MonoGame using Visual Studio 2019

Tips and tricks for getting set up and running with MonoGame 3.8 using Visual Studio 2019.

Quickstart: Azure Spatial Anchors and Unity

In this quickstart, you'll create a Unity HoloLens, Android, or iOS app that uses Azure Spatial Anchors. Spatial Anchors is a cross-platform developer service that allows you to create mixed reality experiences with objects that persist their location across devices over time.

Godot 3 Tutorial Series

A collection of tutorials covering all aspects of using the excellent Godot 3 open-source game engine!

MonoGame community tutorials

Check out the awesome work of the larger MonoGame community with their own tutorials, blogs, and videos.

Brackey's Unity Beginner Tutorials

Learn how to use C# in Unity with these beginner video tutorials!

Adding spatial audio to your Unity project

Welcome to the spatial audio tutorial for Unity on HoloLens 2.

Mixed-Reality Unity development overview

The fastest path to building a mixed reality app in Unity is with the Mixed Reality Toolkit. Use it to develop experiences for HoloLens and other mixed reality devices.

Step-by-step guide to Godot

This tutorial will go over Godot's interface. You're going to look at the Project Manager, docks, workspaces, and everything else you need to know to get started with this game engine.

Azure Cloud Services for HoloLens 2

Tutorials focused on bringing Azure Cloud services into a HoloLens 2 application.

Azure Spatial Anchors with Unity and HoloLens

Through this tutorial series, you'll learn the fundamentals of Azure Spatial Anchors and how to anchor a complete mixed reality experience in the real world. You'll also learn how to deploy your project to Android and iOS.

Speech recognition and transcription for HoloLens 2 and Unity

Learn how to integrate Azure Speech Services with a HoloLens 2 application and learn how to use speech recognition to transcribe text.

Getting Started with MonoGame

Walk through the basics of MonoGame, a pure .NET open-source game engine. It will help you create your first game.

Brackey's Unity Intermediate Tutorials

Advance your C# Unity skills with these intermediate video tutorials!

Unity self-guided tutorial videos

The official guide to your first day in Unity.

C# Unity Tutorial - 3D Spinning Cube in 10 minutes

Set up your development environment and build your first real-time 3D app with Unity and C#.

Beginner's Series to Unity

In this series, you'll learn how to make games and more using Unity, which is a popular game engine that uses C# and .NET to deliver a powerful yet approachable experience when making games.